It's official. The memorial was placed on April 17, 2024 We are thrilled to be able to post one of the pictures of the memorial statue. As a relative of one of the operators honored by the Memorial shared with us, this statue is "something very alive and positive". The Foundation hopes others we also view the Memorial as a living tribute to all those who died in freefall training and a reminder of the memories you hold dear. We are exploring the use of a QR code to link to a site listing those who died in FreeFall training) It has taken almost four years of hard work (some tears on my part) and cooperation from the Army to get to this point. A huge shout-out and warmest thank you to Randolph Rose Collection, which has worked with us along this journey, offering wonderful ideas and support in keeping our costs low. They are currently helping us to create a plaque wih a QR code linking to a site honoring those who have died. Thank you to the Schneider family for their incredibly generous donation, and to the Ward and Crowe families for their continued support. Another thank you to Jaime and Jake Baker for covering the cost of the statue base. My heartfelt gratitude to all those who have donated towards our mission. It’s impossible for me to say how much you mean to us all; without you, we wouldn’t have been able to get this far in honoring all those who died while involved in military freefall training.